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Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations


Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations is a full-service electronics and materials lifecycle management corporation specializing in IT asset disposi- tion, electronics recycling, legislative compliance, product refurbishment, remarketing and resale, materials recovery, and data security. They create customized service packages designed to safeguard customers’ sensitive data and protect the environment from e-waste and other pollutants.

The Outcome

Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations had been growing rapidly as a company and needed to expand the space that they currently had. They also wanted the space to merge their passions - their team and the environment. The space needed to be unique but still really comfortable for their team members.

EBI helped Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations discover their vision through conceptual images and many product options that mirrored the aesthetics and budget for the project. EBI was able to work together with Dynamic Lifecycle Innovations's team to make sure that the project was everything that they had envisioned.